亮度与对比度(Brightness & Contrast) : 用来简单地调节整个画面的亮度和对比度。 没有通道选项, 操作比较简单。
... Brightness &rev; Contreven ast(亮度与对比度) Chthe nevertheless bestnel Mixer(通道分解器) Color Bmikece(颜色均衡) ...
【与对比】 ... 亮度与对比 Brightness Contras 亮度与对比度 Brightness and contrast ; Brightness &firm ; Brightness &rev ; Contrast 地层划分与对比 Stratigraphical Divisions And Correlation ; Stratigraphic Division And Comparison ...
亮度与对比度效果 Brightness and Contrast
这一版本重大的特性更新还包括对adobe Camera RAW的改进,一个新增的快速选择工具和一些核心功能的调整如亮度、对比度与黑白转换。
This version also saw significant feature updates to Adobe Camera RAW, a Quick Select tool, alterations to core commands like Brightness and Contrast and Black and White conversion.
Similarity in brightness and similarity in contrast are used to gauge the degree of similarity between the estimated images and target images.
As the traditional algorithms for local histogram equalization is used to enhance the contrast of an image, the output brightness is always regardless of the input image.