关于安葬这条狗的研究成果发表在最新一期《人类考古学》(Journal of Anthropological Archaeology)杂志上。 该篇论文的主要作者,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)人类学副教授罗伯特-洛西表示:“基于亚欧大陆北方土...
人类学与考古学 ANTHRoPOLOGY&ARcHEOLOGY ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; anthropological archaeology
人类学家和考古学家 Anthropologists and Archaeologists
考古人类学 Archaeological Anthropology ; anthropological archaeology
自然人类学与考古学 Physical Anthropology And Archaeology
人类学和考古学 Anthropology and Archaeology
作为人类学的考古学 Archaeology as Anthropology
人类骨质考古学硕士 MSc Human Osteoarchaeology
亚健康人类学和考古学 paleoanthropology and archaeology
人类学、考古学 Anthropology and Archaeology
Now archaeologists are working out how they managed it and finding ways that we might learn from their example.
I applied to Penn.I got into the anthropology department, but I specifically wanted archeology.
Archaeology suggests humans have been there for 50, 000 years, so the Aboriginal Australians may be one of the oldest continuous populations in the world.
Someone has just gotten a PHD in anthropology, or I guess archaeology probably.