最多的是在第三个选项个人订制( Personalise )内,它的下面有三个选项,第一个是高级( Advanced ),进入后,其中的选项,多的让人眼花缭乱(有 9 个,需要翻滚三次屏幕,每...
私人订制 Vlog ; George willsons ; Customization ; [电影] personal tailor
可提供私人订制 YPS
施人订制 customized
私人订制收藏 My Private Collection
私人订制独享尊荣 private custom exclusive honor
制订人 implementer
重新制订人力 refining the staff selection system
重新制订人力资源 refining the staff selection system
钱夫人雪梨订制 mrs. qian sydney custom
The apartments themselves recall le Corbusier's notion of "minimal" architecture, compact, super-efficient Spaces that he modeled after monks' cells.
DAKS 的创办人Simeon Simpson 于1894 年开始接受订制衣服的工作,当时他在于伦敦东区的白教堂。
The history of DAKS Simpson began in 1894, when Simeon Simpson established a bespoke tailoring factory in Whitechapel in the City of London supplying top quality men's clothing shops.