...Thriller,这个就不用要经典的 出名的 好看 迈克尔杰克逊MV 可以把视频贴到Blog或BBSThey Don’t Care About Us (他们不在乎我们)Thriller(战栗):历史上首部具有情节的MTV,里面有杰克逊经典的魔鬼舞,歌迷曾万人齐跳魔鬼舞要经典的,给曲名就可以,不用地址they...
... 人性/Human Nature 他们不在乎我们/They Dont Care About Us 自由高歌/Jam ...
... 你应该信守承诺 » You should keep its promise 他们不在乎我们 » Them care were 刘涛多久洗一次澡 » Liu Tao, long bath once ...
他们并不在乎我们 they don't care about us
"When we see people who are struggling," he says, those assumptions "lead us to the perception that people in poverty are lazy, they don't care, and they haven't made the right decisions."
Our customers are anywhere from 30 to 70 years old. I don't know what they do for a living and why they want fake divorces; all of this is kept confidential, and we don't really care, either.
If we cannot move peoples’ souls, we cannot move their ways of living either: “Let me write the songs of a nation, and I care not who writes its laws.”