传接球 Pass the ball ; passing and catching
直接传球 Direct Pass ; Icon Pass ; Through pass ; first-time pass
接球后第一时间传球 tip pass/touch pass
接传球 pick up a pass ; receive a pass ; pass receive
传接球练习 Passing and Catching Drills
合法传球接球员 eligible pass receiver
间接传球 Setting-up pass ; indirect pass
一次/直接传球 first-time pass/one-touch pass
传空中接力球 Throw alley oops
This is a great combination passing drill that will help focus on combination play and playing diagonal balls.
This is a great combination passing drill that will help focus on center mid play and playing diagonal balls in the direction they are facing.
This is a great combination passing drill that will help focus on center mid play and playing diagonal balls in...