... 无线网络高传真 Fi 传真网络 facsimile network 国际传真网络 international phototelegraph network ...
国际传真网络 international phototelegraph network
网络传真 Internet fax ; IP-FAX ; hi-fax ; FOIP
传真信息网络开发 facsimile information network development
网络传真浏览器 Pcx-Dcx Fax Viewer
网络传真集成服务 Internet Fax Web Service
传真通信网络 facsimile communication network
网络传真软件 FaxMail Network
及综合型网络传真响应 Fax with Universal Messenger System ; FAX WITH UMS
网络传真机 cofax
One fax machine in the world can do nothing, but if everyone has one, they build an increasingly efficient network of communications.
They include electronic data interchange, electronic payment devices, electronic order system, E-mail, electronic notice system, network, fax and intelligence card, and so forth.
Unlike Ethernet or a fax machine, XForms is not a formal communication protocol between any two nodes on a network.