I don't know if this is related to the current "saucy rooms" issue, but it may be.
In any case Belgium is by no means out of the woods. It may not be Greece, but it could easily be the next Italy.
It isn't clear exactly how much dollar buying Japan will have to do to protect the yen from getting stronger, but it's likely to more than offset China's diversification into the yen.
But in all likelihood Hebrews of an older time, the patriarchal period, the second millennium BCE--they probably weren't markedly different from many of their polytheistic neighbors. Archaeology would suggest that.
You guys have also seen vectors, I'm pretty sure, but it is worth going over some properties and some may be new and some may be old.
In the universe we-- Who knows what is out there in the universe but at least on Earth we may well be the only people there are.