...一、作业成本控制 二、实时控制系统 45 一、作业成本(ABC)管理 作业成本管理系统(Activity-Based Cost Management System)是以作业为动因的成本管 理,目的在于增加顾客价值以及从提供价值中获 利,它以作业成本计算为主要信息源,包括作业 分析(Activ...
两级作业成本管理系统 Two-Level ABC Management System
Carrying out the cost calculation of underground activity not only needs to set up and perfect the inner management system but also needs information system to back it up.
At the same time, apply the activity-based cost management is still need the support of the computer system. And it must put forward step by step.
Based on workflow management system and using activity based costing method, this paper presented a way to create a activity based costing system oriented to PLE Software process.