时代为近现代的或是欧洲中世纪的时候都行,最好附上书的名字及出版社,原版最好。 ... 双城记 A Tale of Two Cities 作者:查尔斯·狄更斯 by Charles Dickens 简·爱 Jane Eyre ...
As Peter Ackroyd, novelist, critic and biographer of Charles Dickens and Sir Thomas More, asserts in his new book: “The English see more ghosts than anyone else.”
Charles Dickens was arrogant, Winston Churchill was pigheaded and Karl Marx a difficult man who refused to listen in an argument, an analysis of the handwriting of historical figures has revealed.
Going into Society is Dickens's story of a man who sets up a circus in a respectable neighborhood. The main attraction is a dwarf, who belongs to the circus.