依法治国(the governance of the country must always be done according to the law)
全面依法治国 comprehensively promote law-based governance ; to fully advance the law-based governance ; a comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law
全面推进依法治国 a comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law ; comprehensively promoting law-based governance
坚持全面依法治国 promoting the rule of law ; Ensuring every dimension of governance is law-based
依法治国和以德治国相结合 to integrate/combine the rule of law with rule by virtue to integrate/combine the rule of law with the rule of virtue ; to integrate the rule of law with the rule of virtue
推进全面依法治国 advanced law-based governance
依法治国总体布局 overall strategy to promote the rule of law
依法治国基本方略 the basic strategy of enforcing the law
坚持依法治国基本方略 to uphold the rule of law as a fundamental principle
依法治国和依规治党有机统一 combine law-based governance of the country and rule-based governance over the Party