...本文主要介绍银行保函的含义、当事人与内容,供大家参考学习。 一、银行保函的含义 银行保函(letter of guarantee, L/G)是指银行或金融机构应申请人或委托人的要求向受益人开立的担保履行某项义务的,有条件承担经济赔偿责任的书面承诺文件。
1、保函(Letter of indemnity):因不清洁提单不能到银行结汇,当发生货物表面 状况不良或有缺陷时,托运人往往要求承运人不加批注,签发清洁提单,并出具一 份...
履约保函 Performance Guarantee ; Performance Bond ; performance security
银行保函 Bank Guarantee ; Letter of Guarantee ; bank letter of guarantee ; Banker's Letter Guarantee
投标保函 TENDER GUARANTEE ; bid bond ; Bid security ; Bid Guarantee
合约保函 Contract Guarantee ; ct Guarantee
还款保函 refund guarantee
预付款保函 advance payment guarantee ; advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment ; Down Payment Bond
见索即付保函 demand guarantee ; First Demand Guarantee ; Demand Guarantees
见索即付保函统一规则 URDG ; Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ; The Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ICC Publication No
借款保函 Loan Guarante ; Letter of Loan Guarantee ; BANK GUARANTEE FOR LOAN
A bona fide letter of indemnity, in marine usages and legal stipulations, is confirmed and accepted.
参考来源 - 提单批注法律问题研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress