信息分享(share information) 信息分享(share 让别人赞同你的想法 (Buy-in your idea) (Buy 培训 (Education) 在销售领域,演讲就是杀手锏 (For the kill) 在销...
劳工和就业事宜信息分享 information sharing on labor and employment issues
每月信息分享例会 monthly information sharing meeting
信息分享模型 information share
信息分享会 information session
安全评估信息分享 Dradis
分享信息 Sharing information ; Share information
报告和分享信息 the identification of mined areas ; an effective exchange of technologies ; the clearance of mined areas
分享信息控制函数 source -- function -- function_share.php
Information sharing and personal interaction both have a positive impact on customer satisfaction, however, personal interaction has a larger influence; Responsible behavior has no significant effect on customer satisfaction.
参考来源 - 顾客参与对顾客满意与顾客公民行为的影响研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We will want to own our own health information, but we will need to be able to share that information with medical providers and others.
Texting: Did you know you that many blogs, including MashableMashable, support sharing an article via text message?
Texting: Did you know you that many blogs, including Mashable, support sharing an article via text message?
Would it be better for people to be able to see everyone and maybe not feel like this is a secure environment in which they can share their interests and what they thought and what they care about?
So, I was alone in my sharing and also receiving.
So one way that neurons, in particular, are able to communicate with other cells in the nervous system, share information, integrate information, decide what to do next is that they are physically connected to other different cells.