...._书到用时方... credit facility 信用透支. credit limit 信用额度. credit restriction 信用限额. ...
信用额度 [金融] Line Of Credit ; Credit line ; credit limit ; barter credit
碳信用额度 carbon credit ; J-VER
房屋净值信用额度 Home Equity Line of Credit ; HELOC
信用额度管理 Credit & Risk exposure management
突破信用额度费 Over Limit Fee
备用信用额度 Standby Line of Credit
增强条件信用额度 ECCL
信用额度检查 credit limit check ; kredietlimietcontrole ; sprawdzanie przekroczenia limitu kredytowego
By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.
Limit fees, like charges for exceeding your credit limit or paying your bills online or over the phone.
A better example would be checking to see if the user had exceeded his or her credit limit.