以黄 金计价的全球股票指数(MSCI World)下降67%,代表发达区域的美国斯坦普尔500 指数下 降70%,全球新兴市场指数(MSCI EM)下降33%,海外中国指数(MSCI China)下降13%, 沪深 300 指数微跌 1%。
全球新兴市场债券指数 Emerging Market Bond Index Global
这些投资者获利颇丰:摩根·斯坦利的新兴市场指数(MSCI EM)的回报率2009年达到79%,2010年是19%,同期的全球股票回报率则是31%和12%。
They were handsomely rewarded, with the MSCI Emerging Markets index (MSCI EM) returning 79% in 2009 and 19% in 2010, compared with 31% and 12% for shares globally.
He departs from market-cap benchmarking even more materially in recommending 25 per cent equity exposure to emerging markets, twice the All-World Index's weighting.