公共子序列(Common Subsequence):对于给定的两个X和 Y序列,当另一序列Z既是X的子序列又是Y的子序列时,称Z 是序列X和Y的公共子序列。
最长公共子序列 LCS ; Longest common subsequence ; Longest Common Sequence
求最长公共子序列 Longest common string
最长公共子序列问题 Longest common subsequence problem
最长公共子序列距离 Longest Common Subsequence Distance
最大公共子序列 Longest Common Subsequence ; Time-warped LCS ; LCS ; T-WLCS
长公共子序列 Longest Common Subsequence ; LCS
最长公共上升子序列 LCIS
Then it combines the longest common sequence, the matrix of Markov model, and TF-IDF method to generate preliminary results in the calculation of text similarity.
参考来源 - 基于马尔科夫模型的文本相似度研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think a longest common subsequence can be applied to the DAGs.
请注意,这仅是 一个LCS,而不是 唯一的LCS,因为可能存在其他长度相同的公共子序列。
Note that this is an LCS, rather than the LCS, because other common subsequences of the same length might exist.
首先将要看到如何运用动态编程查找两个 DNA 序列的 最长公共子序列(longest common subsequence,LCS)。
You'll first see how to use dynamic programming to find a longest common subsequence (LCS) of two DNA sequences.