公平原则是民法的一项基本原则,它要求当事人在民事活动中应以社会正义、公平的观念指导自己的行为、平衡各方的利益,要求以社会正义、公平的观念来处理当事人之间的纠纷。 当事人应当遵循公平原则确定各方的权利和义务。公平原则强调在市场经济中,对任何经营者都只能以市场交易规则为准则,享受公平合理的对待,既不享有任何特权,也不履行任何不公平的义务,权利与义务相一致。
...(the principle of nonmaleficence) 三、行善原则(the principle of beneficence) 四、公平原则(the principle of justice) 一、 the principle of autonomy :指 尊重具有自主能力(行为能力与责任能力)病 患自己做决定的原则。
税收公平原则 principle of tax equity ; tax equity principle
纳税公平原则 [税收] equity principle of taxation
财政公平原则 fiscal equity principle
租税公平原则 principle of fair taxation
公平原则和信任关系 Principles of Equity and Trusts
效率公平原则 fairness doctrine of efficiency
公平原则减轻责任说 fairness doctrine of diminishing liability
公平交易原则 rule of fair trade ; Arm's length principle
方便与公平的原则 principles of convenience and fairness ; principle of convenience and fairness
But as public companies, the compensation liability beared by listed companies will affected many innocent stakeholders,which is contrary to the principle of fairness.
参考来源 - 上市公司虚假陈述董事民事责任研究(研究生论文)It has the important difference with the fair principle, therefore being not allowed to replace mutually.
参考来源 - 论公平责任原则This article considers that the reform of individual income tax system should take the tax fair principle as the basic principle and highlight the function of adjusting individual income distribution.
参考来源 - 我国个人所得税法律制度研究 (研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We noticed right from the start that there were some among them who believed in fairness.
Article 5 the contracting parties shall define their rights and obligations in accordance with the principle of fairness.
Such initiatives have a built-in sense of urgency, and they also express the heart of the equity argument.