... republikanische Regierungsform 共和政体 republikanisches System 共和制 "Reserve f,/Ersatztruppe f." 后备军 ...
对共和制的拥护 republican sympathies
罗马共和制 the Roman republican
议会共和制 parliamentary republic system ; parliamentary republic
共和制德语 Republik
即共和国制定法 Status reipublicae
公共控制和测量平面 CCAMP ; common control and measurement plane
和共抑制因子 nuclear receptor corepressors ; NCORS
共和代议制度 republican and representative system
One of his propagandists said this about him: "The pristine form of the Republic was recalled as of old."
A decade ago, the Guardian prominently announced its commitment to republicanism.
Opposed to a parliamentary republic at home, they see the benefits elsewhere.
One of his propagandists said this about him: "The pristine form of the Republic was recalled as of old."
Milton participated with extraordinary enthusiasm and considerable zeal in the establishment of England's new, non-monarchic government, initially a commonwealth and then what we can think of as a republic.
And Hobbes here takes a dig at the defenders of the view, in his own day, that only the citizens of a republic can be free.