共振频率是指一物理系统在特定频率下,比其他频率以更大的振幅做振动的情形;此一特定频率称之为共振频率。在共振频率下,很小的周期驱动力便可产生很大的振动,因为系统储存有振动的能量。 当阻尼很小时,共振频率大约与系统自然频率或称固有频率相等,后者是自由振荡时的频率。
关键词 : 斯特林制冷机 ; 直线压缩机 ; 共振频率 ; 特性 [gap=746]Keywords : Stirling cryocooler ; Linear compressor ; Resonant frequency ; Characteristics
...示周边阻力(由结构参数计算而得,包括周边的小气道粘性阻力及弹性阻力),)(5 主要反映外周气道弹性回缩力,共振频率(Fres)指弹性阻力与惯性阻力因方向相反 而相互抵消时的振荡频率。
... frequency range 频率范围 frequency resonance 共振频率, 谐振频率 frequency response 频率反应 ...
基本核磁共振频率 basic NMR frequency
传声器共振频率 microphone response frequency
磁共振频率 magnetic resonance frequency
共振频率分析 resonance frequency analysis
固有共振频率 [物] natural resonant frequency
固定安装共振频率 Mounted Resonance Frequency
共振频率计 tuned circuit type frequency meter ; resonance frequency
自旋共振频率 spin resonance frequency
共振频率上限 upper resonant frequency
The gas spring is researched and designed to acquired lower resonance frequency and best damping effect, which has low regimens.
研究设计气体弹簧,利用其低刚度获得较低的共振频率,从而获得舒适的 运送效果。
参考来源 - 救护车担架减振系统的研究When the SiO2 content of the doping was 0.2wt%, the real and imaginary parts of the permeability have been improved, the natural resonant frequency shifted to high frequency.
参考来源 - 稀土掺杂六角晶系铁氧体材料电磁特性研究Conclusion The middle ear resonant frequency in adults range from 900Hz to 1100Hz was considered normal.
参考来源 - 多频鼓室导纳测试在成人分泌性中耳炎中的临床应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.
At the resonant frequency it appears that the structure has no apparent stiffness.
The effect of the elastic and inertia coupling on the resonance frequency is also discussed.