共轭转置,一般指的是m*n型矩阵A做的一种数学变换,其中矩阵A中的任一元素aij属于复数域C。 符号:与普通转置右角标T相对应,通常用H右角标或*右角标来表示共轭转置,共轭转置后的矩阵AH称为A的共轭转置矩阵,AH为n*m型。 具体操作方法:首先将A中的每个元素aij取共轭得bij,将新得到的由bij组成的新m*n型矩阵记为矩阵B,再对矩阵B作普通转置得到BT,即为A的共轭转置矩阵:BT=AH
The paper deals with the data structure of plural matrix and the achievement of method about associate operation, and gives its complex degree of time.
利用四元数矩阵的加权共轭转置定义了四元数矩阵的加权左(右) 序,给出了加权左(右) 序的一些等价刻画,推广了以往文献的相应结果。
The weighted right (left) star partial ordering is defined though the weighted conjugate of the matrix , some characterisation of its is obtained, the existed results are extended.
The definition of the transposed matrices is given, and gotten some properties of the transposed matrices and the conjugated matrices.