...These include: poverty and unemployment, which negatively affect and incapacitate most households in their efforts to improve their housing conditions and quality of life; and institutional weakness caused by inadequate capacity at all levels among stakeholders 其中包括:对多数家庭产生不利影响并使其无法改善住房条件和生活质量的贫穷和失业;以及由于各级利益相关者的能力不足而造成的机构性缺陷。
...genuine partnership working; a coordinated management approach to training delivery; A wide variety of skills gaps ranging from basic skills, trade skills to high level management skills; Training programmes that need to be diverse to meet the needs of individuals, government and private sector employers; A need for appropriate recognised qualifications 其中包括:费用不够、缺乏合格的师资、岛内相关机构之间的合作问题等; 足够的中央预算需求;实际的合伙经营;培训授课的协调管理办法; 从基本...
Accepted » 接受 amongst » 其中包括 To search our list of Frequently Asked Questions, first select your product.
其中包括谷胱甘肽 Glutnext tohione ; Glutby visitinghione ; Glutnear thehion ; Glutfound onhion
其中包括比利·肯 Billy Kane
其中包括红狐 Vulpes unlpes
其中包括大型水坝 coal for power plants ; These include large dams ; uranium for nuclear power
其中包括奇偶性函数 Parity function
其中包括雅培制药 abbott laboratories ; ABT
其中包括鳕鱼角半岛 Cape Code peninsula
其中包括的推荐摄入量 recommanded nutrient intakes ; RNI
其中包括艾伯特 Stephen Albert
Only three people, including a policeman, will be privy to the facts.
She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.
You've got 1,500 Americans, several of whom leave accounts of the whole thing, 40,000 Belgians, 30,000 Swiss and 5,000 English.
I went to the Middle East with a group of faculty members and other students, including this faculty member that I spoke about, who by the way was also a Jewish and that was an important learning for me.
And he's been able to get access to a whole range of Hamlet performances, including some of them that aren't even English.