同时切断内脏神经(Splanchnic Nerve),将主动脉拉向前方从脊柱移开,并在椎体前面触及脓肿。在脓肿壁作“T”形切口;先对病变中心作一横切口,再在肋间血管远端结扎处...
... 内脏切除术 evisceration 内脏神经 nervus visceralis; splanchnic nerve 内脏危象 visceral crisis ...
盆内脏神经 [解剖] pelvic splanchnic nerves ; nervi splanchnici pelvini ; nervi splanchnici pelvicitaa
内脏神经系统 [解剖] visceral nervous system ; [解剖] vegetative nervous system ; nervous system visceral
内脏神经系 visceral nervous system
腰内脏神经 [解剖] lumbar splanchnic nerves ; [解剖] nervi splanchnici lumbales
内脏神经切除术 splanchnicectomy
内脏神经丛 plexus of visceral nerve
内脏神经切断术 visceral neurectomy ; splanchnicotomy
胸内脏神经节 [解剖] thoracic splanchnic ganglion ; [解剖] ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum
盆腔内脏神经 pelvic splanchic nerves
Simultaneous reinnervation of MPG and EUS by one group of somatic motor neurons may be the major neural anatomy infrastructure for controllable voiding via the somatic-autonomic reflex arc.
The final part of the brain to be activated is the hypothalamus, the ‘control’ part which regulates temperature, hunger, thirst and tiredness.
There needs to be a better estimate of the risk, and prediction of subjects at risk and of factors predisposing to risk of both types of serious complication of the yellow fever vaccine.