...论”,基于此,ERP就是按这些管理方法实现企业综合管理的计算机应用系统。,决策支持系统,决策支持系统(Decision Support System, DSS)是一种以计算机为基础和工具,应用决策科学及其有关的种理论和方法的人机交互系统,主要面向组织管理的战略计划中半结构化与...
发动机外场信息管理系统设计与实现 - 硕士论文 - 道客巴巴 onSupport System,IDSS)是将人工智能技术引入DSS而形成的一种信息系统。 (2)群体决策支持系统群体决策支持系统(Group Decision SupportSystem,GDSS)是把计算机处理、数据通信、电子邮件等多种技术结合起来,以各种形式传输数据、表示信息,使不同地点的决策
决策支持系统(DSS,Decision Supporting System)是以管理科学、运筹学、控制论和行为科学为基础,以计算机技术、仿真技术和信息技术为手段,针对半结构化的...
临床决策支持系统 clinical decision support system ; CDSS ; Clinical Decision Support Database
智能决策支持系统 IDSS ; Intelligent Decision Support System ; Intelligence Decision Supporting System ; Intellectual DSS
空间决策支持系统 SDSS ; spatial decision support system ; Spatial decision-making supporting system
营销决策支持系统 marketing decision support systems ; Marketing Decision-Making Support System ; MDSS
市场决策支持系统 MDSS
分布式决策支持系统 DDSS ; Distributed DSS
商业智能决策支持系统 BIDSS
财务决策支持系统 FDSS ; Financial Decision support system ; EIF
技术决策支持系统 technique decision support system ; technology decision support system ; technology decision support syste
Games are not like decision support system (DSS) or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems at all.
Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) is an important research aspect of Decision Support System (DSS).
This benchmark demonstrates the performance of decision-support systems by examining large volumes of data, executing complex queries, and providing answers to business questions.