净值,又称折余价值,是指固定资产原始价值或重置完全价值减去累计折旧额后的余额。折余价值反映固定资产经磨损后的现有价值,实际占用资金数额; 与固定资产原始价值比较,表明现有固定资产的新旧程度及其处民设面效率的大体状况。 通过公司的财务报表计算而得,是股东权益的会计反映,或者说是股票所对应的公司本年度自有资金价值。 在股票投资基本分析的诸多工具中,与市盈率、市净率、市销率等指标一样,账面价值也是最常见的参考指标之一。
面对信贷传导渠道中的非对称 信息间题,一种有效的解决办法就是提高企业净值(Net Value,NV),从而减少企业借款时 的逆向选择与道德风险。
商务英语常用缩略语翻译-翻译资料-上海翻译公司 ... MTN medium-term note 中期票据 MTU metric unit 米制单位 NA not applicable 不可行 ...
资产净值 net worth ; Net asset value ; net assets ; Equity
房屋净值贷款 Home Equity Loan ; EQUITY LOAN ; home equity lines of credit
高资产净值人士 High-net-worth individual ; High Net Worth Individuwoulss
可变现净值 [会计] net realizable value ; net realizable ; Normal Profit Margin ; NRV
资本净值 net worth ; capital net worth ; net capital ; Net t worth
国民生产净值 [经] net national product ; NNP ; NetNatinalProductNNP ; national net product
固定资产净值 Fixed assets-net value ; net value of fixed assets ; Net bal ; net fixed assets
账面净值 net book value ; net asset ; NBV ; net t book value
国内生产净值 NDP ; NET DOMESTIC PRODUCT ; Domestic net production value ; net national domestic product
Through the prepared duration gap, increase the bank net worth when there are favorable change of interest rate; at the same time use the VaR techniques to build constraints to control the prepared duration gap.
参考来源 - 基于信用与利率风险控制的银行资产负债优化模型研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance.
Most homeowners can get a federal income tax deduction on interest payments to a home equity loan.
Note the word "net" measuring the actual amounts of groundwater seepage into the lake and out of the lake is a much more complicated matter than merely inferring their difference.