净利润是指企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。所得税是指企业将实现的利润总额按照所得税法规定的标准向国家计算缴纳的税金。它是企业利润总额的扣减项目。 是指在利润总额中按规定交纳了所得税后公司的利润留成,一般也称为税后利润或净利润。净利润的多寡取决于两个因素,一是利润总额,其二就是所得税费用。 净利润的计算公式为:净利润=利润总额-所得税费用.净利润是一个企业经营的最终成果,净利润多,企业的经营效益就好;净利润少,企业的经营效益就差,它是衡量一个企业经营效益的主要指标。
...价值;净利润;溢余现金;含金量指数 [gap=905]Key words: Subprime mortgage crisis;Earnings quality; Fair value;Net profit;Ecess cash;gold content index ...
为了营利批发商对只能对产商开刀,拼命压低进货价格,产商为了吞下定单也就是 净利润(net income)企业在某一会计期间缴纳所得税后的净经营成果。税后利润(即净利润)是一项非常重要的经济指标。
乐裕民未披露收购作价,只强调Jimlar的净利润(net margin)达6%至10%,预计今年销售额达5.4亿美元(42亿港元),预期收购将于今年9月完成。
毛利润=收入-成本毛利润-费用 = 净利润 ( retained profits )总帐 宗渲类帐又称总帐是根据宗渲类科目开设帐户用来登记全部经济业务进行宗渲类核算提供总括核算资料的分类帐簿.
税后净利润 [税收] net profit after tax ; NPAT ; NOPAT ; Profit After Tax
调整后的净利润 adjusted net profit
净利润分配 distribution of net profit ; appropriation of net income
税后营业净利润 NOPAT ; Net Operating Profit After Tax
较高的净利润 higher net income
本年净利润 NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR ; Determination of retained earnings ; net profit for the current year
资产净利润率 profit rate to net worth
年净利润 the annual net profit ; Net Profit
净利润增长率 Net Profit Growth Rate ; NPGR ; EG
Tax which acts as an important essential business expenses has a direct impact on net profit of enterprises.
参考来源 - 企业税收筹划策略研究Authors find out that the cumulated abnormal earnings from the seasoned equity offering is of a negative correlation to the sum of funds raised, while a positive correlation can be seen with B/M and net income.
参考来源 - 中国上市公司配股后投资收益的实证研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The horse hadn't cost him anything; so whatever he got was all clear profit.
A company has a profit and loss statement and there's something that is called net income, which is the measure of how much the company is making the profits after expenses of the company, called the bottom line.
This is incredibly important because,when you look at this number that we started out with,saying the benchmark was 9.9 but net of fees the managers on average only lost thirty basis points--or .3% -you'd say,well that's a game I don't mind playing.