...passport number; nationality; mother's name; place and date of birth; personal identification card number and its place and date of issue; name of requesting authority; requesting authority's memorandum number; date of requesting authority's memorandum; date and place of last entry; date and place of last departure 含四个部分的姓名;别名;护照号码;国籍;母亲姓名;出生地和出生日期;个人证件号码及其签发地点和签发日期;提出请求的主管机关名称;提出请求的主管机关的备忘录号码;主管机关提出备忘录的日期;最后一...
...mother's name; place and date of birth; personal identification card number and its place and date of issue; name of requesting authority; requesting authority's memorandum number; date of requesting authority's memorandum; date and place of last entry; date and place of last departure 含四个部分的姓名;别名;护照号码;国籍;母亲姓名;出生地和出生日期;个人证件号码及其签发地点和签发日期;提出请求的主管机关名称;提出请求的主管机关的备忘录号码;主管机关提出备忘录的日期;最后一...
...requesting authority's memorandum number; date of requesting authority's memorandum; date and place of last entry; date and place of last departure 含四个部分的姓名;别名;护照号码;国籍;母亲姓名;出生地和出生日期;个人证件号码及其签发地点和签发日期;提出请求的主管机关名称;提出请求的主管机关的备忘录号码;主管机关提出备忘录的日期;最后一...
...place and date of birth; personal identification card number and its place and date of issue; name of requesting authority; requesting authority's memorandum number; date of requesting authority's memorandum; date and place of last entry; date and place of last departure 含四个部分的姓名;别名;护照号码;国籍;母亲姓名;出生地和出生日期;个人证件号码及其签发地点和签发日期;提出请求的主管机关名称;提出请求的主管机关的备忘录号码;主管机关提出备忘录的日期;最后一...
Because they depend on familiar groupings—such as passport numbers, places of birth and birth dates—they tend to be highly structured sequences that are quite easy to guess.
This data object has three properties that are all PHP strings: name, dob (date of birth) and pob (place of birth).