列管式换热器 (tubular exchanger)是化工及酒精生产上应用最广的一种换热器。它主要由壳体、管板、换热管、封头、折流挡板等组成。所需材质,可分别采用普通碳钢、紫铜、或不锈钢制作。在进行换热时,一种流体由封头的连结管处进入,在管流动,从封头另一端的出口管流出,这称之管程;另一种流体由壳体的接管进入,从壳体上的另一接管处流出,这称为壳程。
...eat Exchan[gap=328]Key Words:Shell and tube heat exchanger;Entire design;Optimization;Simplicity 0引言列管式换热器是一种结构坚固、可靠程度高、适应性强、材料范围广的换热器.
... 管式反应器tubular reactor 列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger ...
列管式换热器 列管式换热器(tubular exchanger)是目前化工及酒精生产上应用最广的一种换热器。它主要由壳体、管板、换热管、封头、折流挡板等组成。
... tube tester 试管器... tube type heat exchanger 列管式换热器... tube type pneumatic dryer 直管气流(式)干燥器...
列管式换热器的管束 bundle of tube-type heat exchanger
钛制列管式换热器 titanium heat exchanger ; line-tube heat exchanger
石墨列管式换热器 Graphite tubular heat exchanger
无菌列管式热交换器 Aseptic multi tube heat exchangers
列管式石墨换热器 shell and tube graphite exchanger
组合列管式石墨换热器 complex shell and tube graphite heat exchanger
固定式列管换热器 fixed tubar heat exchangers
浮头式列管换热器 floating head shell-and-tube heat exchanger
我厂生产的列管式换热器(见下图)。 主体设备均采用优质材料制成。
The stainless steel condenser of our factory is of the straight-pipes type as shown below.
In general a sealing technology involving welding in combination with expand jointing is used for connecting a pipe column to a tube plate in a tubulature type heat ex- changer.
The difference of heat transfer calculation between spiral plate heat exchanger and single shell and tube heat exchange is discussed in the article.