前额叶皮质内侧 ( medial prefrontal cortex) 的颞 - 顶连结区域 ( temporal- parietal junction) 和颞电极
The team found that the striatum, which forms part of the brain's reward centre, and the medial prefrontal cortex, which affects our reasoning, become more far active when we are amongst our peers.
When a group of men looked at images of overweight men, there was no medial prefrontal cortex activity.
格拉德维尔论述了认知神经学家安东尼奥·达马西奥(Antonio Damasio)的著名案例,即腹内侧前额叶皮质(ventromedial prefrontal cortex)的损伤导致行为能力的丧失,但智力没有受到损害。
Gladwell discusses the famous cases of cognitive neuroscientist Antonio Damasio where damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex caused nonfunctional behavior without impairing intelligence.