医学分子生物学(medical molecular biology ):医学分子生物学主要从分子水平研究人体在正常和疾病状态下的生命活动及其规律的一门学科;主要研究人体生物大分子的结构、功...
医学分子生物学杂志 Journal of Medical Molecular Biology
医学分子生物学研究所 Medical Molecular Biology Research Institute
医学分子生物学的过去 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
医学分子生物学概论 Theory of Molecular Medicine Overview
分子医学微生物学 Molecular Medical Microbiology
医学及分子生物学 Medical l and Molecular Biosciences MRes ; Medical and Molecular Biosciences MRes
医学和分子生物科学 Medical and Molecular Biosciences
医学及生物分子化学 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry
医学分子细胞生物学 Medical Molecular Cell Biology
Current situation and existed problems on bilingual teaching of molecular biology in medicine in our university were described in brief in present paper.
Wang Liangjun Yu Yingnian Chen XingruoDepartment of Pathophysiology and Laboratory of Medical Molecular Biology, ZhejiangMedical University, Hangzhou 310031
The first courses of this curriculum include histology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, molecule biology and so on.