...更在每一生产批次中, 按特定的生产指引, 抽取奶粉样本,根据韩国国家卫生标准进行微生物, 细菌及营养测试, 只有通过所有测试的批次,才可获发韩国国家的HACCP及健康卫生证书(Health Certificate), 方可出口海外。四重严格监控,确保安全食用。
...单证资料如下: 1、生产国原产地证(Certificate of origin)---官方出具,需要正本 2、生产国卫生证书(Certificate of sanitary)---官方出具,---
兽医卫生证书 Veterinary Health Certificate ; VETERINARY CERTIFICATE
动物卫生证书 Animal Health Certificate
交通工具卫生证书 Sanitary Certificate For Conveyance
生产国官方卫生证书 Producers official health certificate
生产国卫生证书 Certificate of sanitary ; production country health certificate
船舶卫生证书 Ship's Sanitary Certificate
苏俄卫生证书 Hygienic Approval
卫生检验证书 Sanitary Inspection Certificate ; Inspection Certificate of Health ; HEALTH CERTIFICATE
国外官方卫生证书 health / sanitary certificate
The article introduced the guidance based on the annex 3 from WHO interim technical advice for inspection and issuance of ship sanitation certificates.
Tang: To be fair to your company, I am directed by my Shanghai Branch to settle this issue with you amicably on condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department.
Such supervisors shall be qualified professionals and issued with such certificates by the administrative departments of public health at the corresponding levels.