印度尼西亚全称印度尼西亚共和国。印度尼西亚一词源出于希腊文的Indo(印度)和 Nusus(各岛),意为印度各岛。印度古籍称之为“努珊塔拉” (Nusantara)或德威安塔拉(Dwipantara),意为大洋之间的岛屿。
At number six is Bali a significant part of Indonesian history and well renowned location worldwide that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.
马来西亚前几年的建国历史受到印度尼西亚尝试控制马来西亚, 菲律宾认沙巴州为其主权地和新加坡在1965年宣告脱离联盟所影响。
The first several years of the country"s history were marred by Indonesian efforts to control Malaysia, Philippine claims to Sabah, and Singapore"s secession from the Federation in 1965.
He grew up in the Netherlands. His schoolteachers frequently talked about the country's historical ties with Indonesia.