“历史”是个多义词,它可以指历史(孟广恒主编图书), 历史(编年体), 历史(汉语词语), 历史(诗歌), 历史(古希腊历史学家希罗多德作品)。
n. history
misc. past records
...ail或弹出信息; 条件(Conditions) : 对触发器中条件的进一步限定; 设置(Settings) : 设置或限定任务的另一种方式; 历史(History) : 之前运行任务的记录或日志 其中,与之前Windows 版本中的任务计划相比,改进最大的当属触发器标签页中的设置,从中可以更..
也就是说, 当时人们对往事和往事记述就是不加区别的, 统统地称为史,又如, 在古希腊文的历史(HISTORIA) 一词, 意思是指研习得知的往事及记述,与中国古籍中的史字含义颇为相似。
效果历史 effective history; Wirkungsgeschichte ; effective history ; Wirkungsgeschichte ; effected history
历史哲学 philosophy of history; Philosophie der Geschichte ; philosophy of history ; historical philosophy ; Philosophie der Weltgeschichte
历史任务 historic mission ; historical tasks
历史学家 historian ; The Historian ; Frederick Jackson Turner ; Tacitus historian
疯狂的历史 History of Madness ; History of Madness; Historie de la folie
历史性决策 is of historic significance ; the historic decision
历史与结构 History and Structure ; History and Structure; Geschichte und Struktur
历史学笔记 Notes of History; Chronologiche Auszüge ; Notes of History
历史性 historical nature; historicity; historic (adj.) ; Historic ; Geschichtlichkeit
As history keeps moving forward, so does culture.
参考来源 - 国际商务文化之对比研究Annals of Zuo and Herodoti Historiae respectively is Chinese and Greek two important historical works.
参考来源 - 《左传》与希罗多德《历史》比较研究The research aggregates the historical role and the Enlightenment era.
参考来源 - 清代乡村社会保障体系研究Chapter 2 specifically analyses different images of women, of those whom bore a variation in historical culture connotations.
参考来源 - 当代中国银幕中的女性形象与性观念·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This chapter concerns itself with the historical background.
So within this relatively tiny area there are radically diverse regions, and this fact held important implications for Israel's history.
Now, I think there's a deliberate confusion here about these lines because their precise historical significance isn't what's most significant.
That is the modification of what would and does evolve in and of itself within an understanding of literary historiography.