历史哲学(philosophy of history; Philosophie der Geschichte)
文章详细信息 关键词: 精神;;历史哲学;;思辨哲学;;黑格尔 [gap=433]Keywords: spirit;historical philosophy;speculative philosophy;Hegel
⑤ 参见[德]黑格尔(Hegel):《历史哲学》(Philosophie der Weltgeschichte)王造时译,上海书店出版社1999 年版。[法]孟德斯鸠(Mondesquieu):《论法的精神》,张雁深译,商务印书馆1982 年版。
历史哲学讲演录 Philosophy of History ; Philosophy of History; Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte
反思历史哲学 reflective philosophy of history
思辨的历史哲学 speculative historical philosophy ; Speculative Philosophy of History
基督教历史哲学 Christian philosophy of history
马克思的历史哲学 Marx’s Philosophy of History
存在主义历史哲学 existentialistic philosophy of history
历史哲学导论 the philosophy of history ; The Philosophy of History An Introduction
批判的历史哲学 Critical Philosophy of History
The domain of philosophy of history breakthroughs its narrow and single field of vision in the past.
参考来源 - 卢卡奇历史哲学思想研究Zhang Xuecheng’s "thought of text interpretation" was derived from his "historical philosophy".
参考来源 - 章学诚的历史哲学与文本诠释思想"Aura" is a rather complex concept put forward by Walter Benjamin. It involves politics, arts and philosophy of history.
参考来源 - 新天使——沃尔特·本雅明和他对文化工业的思考So,the revival the Neo-Confucianism results in some degree from the research of some issues on the historical philosophy conceived in Yi-ology.
从某种程度上来说, 北宋儒学的复兴得益于易学 历史哲学诸问题的探究。
参考来源 - 北宋儒学复兴与易学历史哲学的关系—《周易研究》—2008年第2期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
What these differences reveal, are the strengths rather than insufficiencies of his philosophy of history.
Most academic subjects have a philosophy, for example the philosophy of science, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of logic, the philosophy of law, and the philosophy of history.
However, the failure of traditional speculative philosophy of history cannot fundamentally denied the possibility of historical scientific research methods it might just be the fault.
So the Deuteronomistic history is not simply a history of Israel until the destruction of Jerusalem, it is a historiosophy.
Plato is not only one of the greatest philosophers in history, he wrote his philosophy in the form of dialogues.
So the courses I took - -actually I took some English history obviously - I took no American history which would be the field I did in the PHD, but I took a lot of courses in philosophy, in literature.