“压力容器”是个多义词,它可以指压力容器(期刊名), 压力容器(承载一定压力或者盛放易燃易爆品的设备)。
...压力容器(pressure vessel)是指盛装气体或者液体,承载一定压力的密闭设备。 压力容器的分类方法很多,从使用、制造和监检的角度分类,有以下几种。
... pressurized chamber 加压室 pressurized container 压力容器 pressurized escape route= pressurized evacuation route 正压涣散蹊径 ...
反应堆压力容器 RPV ; reactor pressure vessel
透声压力容器 acoustically transparent pressure vessel
压力容器图纸转换设计 PV drawing transfer design
气体压力容器 Gas pressure vessel ; Gas pre ure ve el
简单压力容器 Simple Pressure Vessels
压力容器规范 pressure vessel code ; BPVC
压力容器用钢 Steel for pressure vessel ; steels for pressure vessel use
钢制压力容器 Steel pressure vessels ; steel-made pressure vessel
多重压力容器 multipressure vessels
Large petro-chemical pressure vessel, comprising four species including reactor and separator, is the outcome with the largening of scale in petro-chemical industry.
参考来源 - 基于专家系统和特征参数化的压力容器壳体CADP91 steel thick-walled pipe has been widely used for power station construction and boiler pressure vessel in China.
参考来源 - P91钢焊接热过程的数值模拟及对接头性能影响的研究As the pressure facilities, the boiler and pressure container its function and status are very important.
参考来源 - GH机械厂十余年发展战略剖析The pressure container for the nuclear reactor pile belongs to large item ,although the container has to obey the law of the large item ,it has its own special characters .
参考来源 - 核反应堆压力容器的大件运输方案设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The pressure in the pressure vessels and containments of reactors one and two is reported to be stable.
The company's engineers continue to pump seawater into the reactor pressure vessel, in an effort to cool it.
The reactor's pressure vessel is a cylinder suspended in the light bulb’s neck.