压缩天然气(Compressed Natural Gas,简称CNG)指压缩到压力大于或等于10MPa且不大于25MPa的气态天然气,是天然气加压并以气态储存在容器中。
...价指标体系 关键词 : 压缩天然气 汽车 加气站 设备 技术经济指标 评价 [gap=1161]Keywords : Compressed natural gas(CNG), Vehicle, Gas filling station, Equipment, Technology and economy index, Ev..
(5)、本项目共对两个拟建压缩天然气(L-CNG)加气站特许经营权进行授权(即本项目招标确定两个中标人,分别拟建并经营一个加气站点), 且拟建两座压缩天然气加气站日供气量不...
...支车用玻纤缠绕CNG气瓶及1万套复合材料保护罩生产线项目:随着我国雾霾污染的日趋严重,使用清洁燃料,如压缩天然气(compressed nature gas,CNG)和H2等,代替柴油和汽油已成为必然趋势;使用清洁燃料则需要使用压力容器.
车用压缩天然气 CNG ; compressed natural gas as vehicle fuel
压缩天然气汽车 CNGV ; CNG vehicle ; Compressed natural gas for vehicle
压缩天然气加气站 automobile CNG filling station ; CNG filling station
压缩天然气系统 compressed natural gas system ; CNG system compressed natural gas system
压缩天然气加气母站 gas primary filling station
压缩天然气储配站 CNG stored and distributed station ; CNG distribution station
压缩天然气加气子站 gas secondary filling station
压缩天然气瓶组 multiple CNG cylinder installations
汽车用压缩天然气 compressed natural gas for vehicle ; automobile CNG
This rebate covers electric cars, hybrid cars, as well as compressed natural gas cars.
There are several varieties of biofuel, which include ethanol, methanol, biodiesel and compressed natural gas.
Its 700-horsepower engine can use either compressed natural gas or gasoline, and altogether it weighs just 1400lbs.