发电机组在柴油机发电机组体积缩小温度迅速升高,达到柴油的燃点。柴油被点燃,混合气体剧烈燃烧,体积迅速膨胀,推动活塞下行,称为‘作功’。 各汽缸按一定顺序依次作功,作用在活塞上的推力经过连杆变成了推动曲轴转动的力量,从而带动曲轴旋转。利用‘电磁感应’原理,发电机就会输出感应电动势,经闭合的负载回路就能产生电流。这里只描述发电机组最基本的工作原理。要想得到可使用的、稳定的电力输出,还需要一系列的柴油机和发电机控制、保护器件和回路。
n. genset
misc. generator set ; generator unit ; power unit
...仪表 电工 自动化、计算机 浙江大学 主办 关键词:发电机组;测试台架;干阻负载;无级调节 [gap=816]Key words: generating set; testing bench; dry load; stepless regulate ...
火力发电机组合同 coal-fired power generating units
煤电高效发电机组 high-efficiency coal-fired power generation unit
大功率风力发电机组 high-power wind-driven generator
柴油发电机组 [电] diesel generator set ; diesel generating set ; diesel power generating set ; engine generator set
汽轮发电机组 Turbine ; turbogenerator unit ; turbo generator set
康明斯发电机组 CUMMINS ; Cummins genset
水轮发电机组 hydroelectric generating set ; water turbine-generator set ; Hydraulic turbine-generator unit
蒸汽联合循环发电机组 CCPP
Wind power generators are often placed in the worse circumstance. It has very high demand for the main controller to keep the system stable.
参考来源 - 基于嵌入式系统的风力发电机组控制系统研究The circulating fluidized bed boiler is the development of burn coal generating set nowadays , is also the environmental protection project of the country.
参考来源 - 无辨识自适应预估算法在循环流化床锅炉燃烧优化控制上的应用A model of the vibration fault diagnosis for steam turbine generating unit was investigated by the method of combining rough sets(RS) theory and support vector machine(SVM).
参考来源 - 基于粗糙集和支持向量机的汽轮机组故障诊断For a 600MW coal burning generating unit, it can save 8 days work time, a large number of expense and get great profit by using critical chain method to manage schedule than using common method.
参考来源 - 基于关键链方法的火电机组大修进度管理研究Based on the existed researching progeny of the project post-evaluation, the post-evaluation problem of the electric power generation unit project was studied in this paper. Firstly, the former researching on the post-evaluation was sum up by the numbers.
参考来源 - 云南红河电厂2~*30MW机组项目后评估·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress