...Rhino Kabuterimon 名字由来:rhinoceros beetle+rhinoceros Kabuterimon 类型:混合体(究极体级) 昆虫型 可变种 ( Variable ) 适应领域: UK 未知(Unknown) 必杀技: 电容器暴风(Condenser Storm):卷起雷霆的暴风之技 资料: 从头角产生特殊磁场的雷.
混合体(完全体级) 巨鸟型 可变种(Variconfident enough) 名字由来:北欧神话中被称为的“赫拉斯瓦尔格(Hraesvelg)”的大鹫
可怕的新变种 a nasty new variant
特种可裂变物质 special fissionable material
我们可以改变这种气氛 we can change the colour
两种可变要素 Two Variable Inputs
特种可裂变材料 special fissionable material
可以变成一种施舍 Can become a charity
有一种可变位率 Variable Bitrate ; VBR
还有一种可变位率 Variable Bitrate ; VBR
种可变精度粗糙集 variable precision rough set ; VPRS
或者换言之,引入只读接口作为某些可变种类基类的唯一机会是退回到。NET 2.0,即它们最初被构思出来的时候。
Or in other words, the only opportunity they had to introduce the read-only interfaces as base classes of the mutable variety was back in.net 2.0 when they were originally conceived.
There's something called "variable life," which refers to a life insurance policy where the policyholder can make decisions about the investment of the money in the whole life policy.