原装进口壳牌可耐压S3 GP220,壳牌S3 GP220合成齿轮油,壳牌可耐压(Shell Omala)S3 GP220,320,460,1500,是超高极压性..
壳牌可耐压 Omala ; Shell Omala Oil ; Ominga
壳牌可耐压齿轮油 Shell Omala Oil ; Shell Omala F Oil
可耐压HD Omala HD
壳牌可耐压68齿轮油 Shell Omala 68 Oil
可耐压齿轮油 OMALA
可耐压系列 Shell Omala Oil
可耐压F Omala
壳牌可耐压HD Shell Omala Oil HD ; Omala HD
壳牌可耐压HD齿轮油 Shell Omala HD Oil
This tester is used for testing the ring crush strength of the paperboard. With the proper accessories (optional), it's also available to test the column compress, ring crush.
The proof pressure elastic body is filled in the cushion, which can reduce the shock to make the riding more comfortable.
"Air Brigade No. 1" is China's first tourism development of the submarine, the greatest pressure depth of 50 meters, carried 40 people.