德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司的Gene Frantz经过计算后得出,性能相同的芯片对电能的需求约每18个月减少一半,与摩尔定律相比较,这条定律鲜为人知。
Gene Frantz at Texas Instruments calculates that the power requirements of a chip of a given capacity roughly halve every 18 months, a less-noticed corollary to Moore's law.
当时有人怀疑“摩尔定律”可能只会在仅仅几年内有效。 但在51年后的今天,这一定律仍然无法被打破。
Sceptics at the time said that "Moore's Law"would hold true for a couple of years, but 51years later it is still going strong.