高效液相色谱法测定郁李仁中苦杏仁苷的含量_OK期刊网-论文发表指导|期刊真伪辨别 关键词】 郁李仁;苦杏仁苷;高效液相色谱法;含量测定 [gap=532]Key words:Semen Pruni;amygdalin;HPLC;content determination
气相色谱法测定无极膏中5种成分的含量_电子资料文库 关键词:无极膏;含量测定;气相色谱法;樟脑;薄荷脑 [gap=663]Keywords:cremormentholicompositus;determination;GC;camphor;menthol
HPLC法测定女贞子药材中女贞苷的含量 - 药物分析杂志 关键词:女贞子;女贞苷;高效液相色谱法;含量测定 [gap=992]Key words:Fructus Ligustri Lucidi;nuezhenide;HPLC;quantitative determination
氮含量测定系统 nitroger determination system
碳酸盐含量测定法 calcimetry
成品含量测定 finished products assaying
磷含量测定 Determination of phosphorus content ; Determination of phosphorus
硫含量测定器 sulphur determination apparatus
铁含量测定 Determination of iron content ; Method for determination of iron ; fe content determination
水含量测定 Determination of water content ; water content determination
镁含量测定 Determination of magnesium content ; Determination of magnesium ; Method for determination of magnesium
硫含量测定 Determination of sulfur content
Objective:To establish a method for the content determination of acyclovir.
参考来源 - HPLC法测定阿昔洛韦片中阿昔洛韦的含量—《中国医药导报》—2008年第28期—龙源期刊网The average recovery rate of quantitative analysis was 99.92% and 97.12% skeciall. Relative standard deviation was 1.75% and 0.66%.
参考来源 - 升黄克痛软膏质量标准研究The Salvia’s qualitative methods were simplified. The content determination of Salvia was improved and the quality specification was enhanced.
参考来源 - 肾炎康复片生产工艺和质量标准的研究The performance of analytical methods and experimental validation of indicators, including the linear and the scope of the recovery, precision and stability. The results showed that the method was feasible.
参考来源 - 丙酸氟替卡松中试放大制备工艺及质量研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Radiocarbon dating had to do with chemical analysis, something to do with measuring the amount of radiocarbon that's left in organic stuff.
It can be used for the determination of the content of the bisacodyl tablet and its related substances.
OBJECTIVE To determine the content of sulfur in sulfur cream.