呼吸暂停指自主呼吸停止,常为暂时性或自限性,如陈-施呼吸、Biot呼吸。大多病例是致命性的,需要紧急治疗。 呼吸暂停因六种病理生理学机制受损引起,每种机制受损均有多种病因造成。最常见病因包括外伤、心博骤停、神经系统疾病、吸入异物、支气管痉挛、药物过量。
(1)原发性呼吸暂停(primary apnea):当胎儿或新生儿发生低氧血症,高碳酸血症和酸中毒时,由于儿茶酚胺分泌增加,呼吸和心率增快,机体血流重新分布即选择性血管收...
睡眠呼吸暂停 sleep apnea ; Obstructive sleep apnea ; central sleep apnea ; mixed sleep apnea
睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 [内科] sleep apnea syndrome ; SAS ; Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ; SAHS
呼吸暂停低通气指数 AHI ; apnea hypopnea index ; apnea and hypopnea index ; Apnea Hypoventilation Index
呼吸暂停显示装置 apnea indicator
睡眠呼吸暂停综合症 sleep apnea hyponea syndrome ; Sleep apnea ; sleep apnea syndrome ; SAHS
原发性呼吸暂停 Primary apnea ; apnea of premature ; apenea ofprem ature ; AOP
呼吸暂停监护器 apnea monitor
呼吸暂停症 sleep apnea
呼吸暂停指数 AHI ; apnea hyponea index ; apnoea-hypopnoea index
Finally, the coughing reflex in reaction to irritants in the airway produces not a cough during sleep but a cessation of breathing.
What it might mean: You may have a higher risk of sleep apnea.