综合媒体11月3日报道,包括法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)和荷兰国际集团(Internationale Nederlanden Groep N.V.,ING)在内的众多大型银行机构纷纷抛售欧洲主权债券,缩小风险敞口。
Meanwhile, Dutch banking and insurance company ing said it would narrow its market reach and cull its activities to cut costs in 2009.
As of the end of June, ing had 351 billion euros of savings and deposits, part of 1.5 trillion euros of client balances, making it one of the biggest deposit holders in the world.
荷兰国际集团首席财务长海莱(John Hele)接受采访时说,全球银行和保险公司所需的资金数目的预期迅速增加。
'the expectations of the amount of capital Banks and insurance companies around the world need are rising rapidly,' said the chief financial officer of ing, John Hele, in an interview.