哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)是全球奖学金最丰厚的商学院之一。根据该校数据,2009年哈佛MBA毕业生平均负债近7.7万美元。
...niversity)、普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)、 瓦萨学院(Vassar College)和哈佛商学院(Harvard School of Business)等大学和学院已经 将试用期延长至11 年或更长,并取消了“非升即走”的规定。
哈佛商学院出版社 Harvard Business School Press ; HBSP ; Harvard Business School Publishing ; Harvard Business Press
哈佛商学院出版公司 HBSP ; Harvard Business School Publishing ; Harvard Business Publishing
美国哈佛商学院 HBSP
哈佛商学院通讯 HBS Bulletin
哈佛商学院贝克基金会 Baker Foundation
哈佛商学院杰拉尔德 gerald zaltman
哈佛商学院实战新知 Harvard Business School Working Knowledge
A Harvard Business School study found that observers consistently rated those who were upfront about themselves more highly, while those who hid lost trustworthiness.
Studies at Harvard Business School show that, although some individuals may be more creative than others, almost every individual can be creative in the right circumstances.
As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989, he ended his work there disgusted with his students' overwhelming lust for money.
John Lintner was a professor at the harvard Business School, who, decades ago, did a survey of people who decide on dividends and asked them, what goes on in your mind and what do you think about when you decide on dividends?