商人法庭(Tribunale della Mercanzia)位于佛罗伦萨领主广场,科西莫一世骑马雕像的后面。它建于1359年,1905年修复。 法庭由6名外地律师和6名选自行会的市民顾问组成,来判断佛罗伦萨商人在世界任何地方的争议,以及各行会之间的争议。
我认为这是我们重新考虑它的时候了。 就像Paul Perell法官以前的座谈会上提交的文章说的那样,《威尼斯商人》第4幕的法庭场景是好的喜剧、坏的法律。
The judgment is Perell wrote in a paper he presented at an earlier colloquium, the court scene in Act IV of the Merchant of Venice is good theatre but bad law.
A special French court will decide on Friday whether to investigate Lagarde's role in securing a 285-million-euro arbitration deal for a controversial businessman.
Two thirds—more than 20—of Shakespeare’s plays have trial scenes; the one we discussed from the Merchant of Venice, is among the most memorable in all of literature.