市住保办相关担任人称,本年全市策画完工配租公租房1万套,方今已配租完工3000多套,接下来(Next)四季度(Fourth quarter)将扫数告终。关于房钱定位(Locate),爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。
四季度假村 Four Seasons Resort ; Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai ; Four Season Pension ; Four Seasons Hualalai
兰卡威四季度假村 Four Seasons Resort Langkawi
四季度假酒店 Four Seasons Resort ; Four Seasons Resort Maldives ; Four Seasons Resort Langkawi ; Four Seasons
第四季度 fourth quarter
清迈四季度假村 Four Seasons Resorts Chiang Mai ; fo
塞舌尔四季度假村 Four Seasons Resort Seychelles
惠斯勒四季度假酒店 Four Seasons Resort Whistler
波拉波拉四季度假酒店 Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora
苏梅岛四季度假村 Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui ; Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui Thailand
This prompted the company to cut its forecasts for the full fourth quarter.
可口可乐、IBM 和杜邦等大公司第四季度利润好于预期。
Fourth-quarter profits of big companies, such as Coca-Cola, IBM and DuPont, were better than expected .