最严 南昌室内禁烟令|+网海拾贝 - 莒县论坛 莒州论坛 莒州网主办 莒县人网 我们共同的心灵家园 - Powered by phpwind 首个在法令规定上最接近世界卫生组织(WHO)国际烟草控制框架公约(FCTC)无烟环境标准的城市。 国际烟草控制框架公约(Framework Conventionon Tobacco Control,FCTC)是由世界卫生组织前理事长布伦特兰德女士于1998年发起,在2003年5月第56届世界卫生大会 (WH
Without question, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is the most powerful tool we have, as an international community, to reduce the global disease burden.
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is a positive example of how we can gather international consensus and work collectively on solutions.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is an international treaty which was adopted in May 2003 by the 56th World Health Assembly.