国际金融体系(The international financial system) 是指调节各国货币在国际支付、结算、汇兑与转移等方面所确定的规则、惯例、政策、机制和组织机构安排的总称。国际金融体系是国际货币关系的集中反映,它构成了国际金融活动的总体框架。在市场经济体制下,各国之间的货币金融交往,都要受到国际金融体系的约束。
国际金融体系改革 the reform of the international financial system
国际经济金融体系 international economic and financial systems
国际货币金融体系 international monetary and financial system
国际金融治理体系 the international financial governance system
国际经济金融体系改革 reform the international economic and financial systems
国际货币和金融体系 international monetary and financial system
国际金融体系和监管 International Financial Systems and Supervision
国际金融机构体系 International Financial Institution System
国际化金融体系的形成 International Financial Reporting Standard ; IFRS
Secondly, to build up an inclusive and orderly international financial system.
The current crisis fully exposed the deficiencies in the existing international financial system and its governance structure.
The role of the US dollar in the international financial system is beneficial to the US and harmful to its creditors.