图像分辨率指图像中存储的信息量,是每英寸图像内有多少个像素点,分辨率的单位为PPI(Pixels Per Inch),通常叫做像素每英寸。图像分辨率一般被用于ps中,用来改变图像的清晰度。
...图像分辨率 沿航向干涉 检测概率 [gap=650]words】: ground moving target indication (GMTI), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), image resolution, along-track interferometry (ATI), detection probability ..
... 指能够为观察者分辨的光学图像质量,它通常包括像素数量、分辨率和信噪比,但主要表现为信噪比。参见附录A。 图像分辨率 picture resolution 指在显示平面水平或垂直扫描方向上,在一定长度上能够分辨的最多的目标图像的电视线数。参见附录A。 ...
默认图像分辨率 Default Image Resolution
正确理解图像分辨率 Image Resolutionch
视频图像分辨率 Video Graphics Array
完全图像分辨率 Full Image Resolution
图像解析度/分辨率 Resolution
图像超分辨率 Super-Resolution
图像最小分辨率 Minimum resolution for Images
图像最大分辨率 Maximum resolution for Images
图像超分辨率重建算法 Algorithms For Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction
Experimental results show that the interactive rendering abilities can be achieved when handling large datasets resided in multiprocessors with 1 024×1 024 image resolution.
参考来源 - 协同分布式图形硬件的混合并行体绘制The module can enable the clock of the inputted data independent of the system inner clock, as well as the image resolution to be restricted only by the size of FPGA on-chip RAM.
参考来源 - JPEG2000中提升小波算法的FPGA实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
If you increase the value, the image resolution and file size are increased.
What is the relationship between the scalar and spatial resolution of the map ?
Experimental results show that this system improves the data acquisition speed and the image resolution.