... in public当众地;公开地;公然地 in public places在公共场所 break the rule不遵守规则 ...
... join with sb. 为……做贡献 in a public place 在公共场所 pick flowers in the park 摘公园里的花 ...
...peak in public 在公共场所 in public ; in public places ; in a public place ; in public in the public places 在公共场所吐痰 spit in public ; spit in a public place ..
在公共场所吐痰 spit in public ; spit in a public place
贴在公共场所的大型 poster
在公共场所说话 speak in public
在公共场所发言 In public speaking ; Speak in public places ; Speaking in public places
我在公共场所 I'm in public places
不要在公共场所打饱嗝 Do not burp in public
不在公共场所喧哗 Not noisy in public places ; charivari not in public places
在公共场所见面 meet in a public place
但投入在公共场所 but put in public place
And you never think of those two narratives: one's faith life and one's life in the public square would ever meet.
Yeah, so busking I guess is, yeah, it's when a street performer is playing in a public space to try and get some money.
It seems like it's not a news flash that religion is playing an extremely important part in our public square conversations, in our political life, in how we are making decisions on questions of poverty.