... 在咖啡馆市场 In The Cafe Market 在咖啡馆的附近 In the coffee shop nearby 在咖啡馆前面有许多花 Many flowers in front of a caf ...
“最初我想的是写一写家族内部特点和行为的迁移。” 在她家附近的咖啡馆,喝着茶,吃着巧克力小方饼,38岁的保罗女士在接受采访时说。”
“I originally wanted to write about the transmission of characteristics and behaviors in families, ” Ms. Paul, 38, said in an interview over tea and a brownie at a cafe near her home here.
In a nearby outdoor cafe, 21-year-old Maryam Malik sat with a friend in the scorching heat.
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