坐标轴(coordinate axis)用来定义一个坐标系的一组直线或一组线;位于坐标轴上的点的位置由一个坐标值所唯一确定,而其他的坐标轴上的点的位置由一个坐标值所唯一确定,而其他的坐标在此轴上的值是零。
称这三条数轴分 别为x轴(横轴)、y轴(纵轴)、z轴(竖轴),这 三条数轴统称为 坐标轴 ( coordinate axis ),点O称 为坐标原点(coordinate origin),通常把x轴和y轴 放置在水平面上,z轴则铅直放置,它们的正方向符 合右手法则(righ...
物体坐标系与变换中心 物体的变换都是相对于某个参照点进行的,而 坐标轴 ( Axis )就是物体变换时的参照依据。在三维场景中,一般用X、Y、Z三个轴来定义变换的方向。
... 坐标纸 coordinate paper 坐标轴 axis of coordinates 坐标轴的旋转 rotation of axis ...
横坐标轴 axis of abscissas ; abscissa axis ; x axis ; axis of a ci as
纵坐标轴 axis of ordinates ; axially of ordinate ; ordinate axis of ; verticale as
供设计优化坐标轴 predominant axis
框状坐标轴 box
坐标轴的变换 change of coordinates ; change of axes
坐标轴的旋转 rotation of axes ; rotation of co ordinate system
极坐标轴 polar axis shaft ; polar coordinate axis
坐标轴系 coordinate axes ; system of axis ; Stability coordinate frame
车身坐标轴线 body coordinate axis ; body division
The axes are comprised of a generalized homologous temperature, the normalized kinetic energy flux, and the net film thickness.
图2 .基于云的IT比例与时间的坐标轴。
Perhaps it's clear to you that no matter how your axes are oriented, when you ask, "How long is this arrow?"
So, there is a way to go from the unprimed coordinates to the prime coordinate by rotating your axis and actually calculating the components.
When you go from one set of axes to another set of axes, the numbers change.